The Pioneer Woman (Ree Drummond) was in Kansas City on Monday night. I took #1 and #3 for a little mother daughter time. Before showing up at the the book signing, I asked the girls where they wanted to eat.. they chose the Westport Flea Market. (see my review here:)
We arrived at Unity Temple at 5:30… expecting to wait until 6:00 to get our seats, but we walked right in and picked 3 seats in the 2nd row from the stage. (don’t dislike us because we are cool)
This is a photo from the back of Unity Temple (before she arrived).
Here’s a close up of where she was going to sit..
THEN.. a hush fell over the room …
Holy Smokes.. could it be.. yes.. It was MARLBORO MAN!
What could be cuter than Marlboro Man? His two boys!
Aren’t they cute? They were carrying in the t-shirts ( see here)
Can you believe it? She brought us all T-Shirts.. they are so cute!
Then.. She came out.. she answered questions for about 45 minutes or so.
#3 put a question in.. “Would you like to buy some girl scout cookies?”
She told #3 to find Marlboro Man and hit him up. (she did see below)
She looked great and is so funny!
(Please forgive me for the red eye.. I tried to remove it really I did)
While she answered questions from the audience.. MM and the punks played with
the camera.
Don’t you love the purple jacket.. check out her boots.. just wait until I show you those!
Rainy Day Books had a cool drawing for door prizes… and the
entire Pioneer family helped give the stuff away.
The boys liked the microphone. They said all kind of funny things in it
randomly throughout the night.
Right after this moment she did her Ethel Merman impression..
it was hilarious!
What do you think MM is thinking right now?
I know! I know!
He’s thinking: “I can’t wait to give the beautiful #1 her T-shirt”.
We interrupt this blog to tell you about the “set up” of the Rainy Day Book signing. When you purchased the book for this book signing, you received two tickets for the signing. I believe the tickets started at one.. our three tickets were 558, 559 and 560. We had some time to kill..
#3 had the boys sign our cookbook.
Here’s a weird back story.. see the woman in the argyle sweater? I
told #1 that I thought I knew her.. and she had to be from Ottawa. I made eye contact with her a couple of times through-out the night but she didn’t really look at me like she knew me… and well I didn’t go up to her and say anything… So fast forward to Wednesday. I had parked my car (in Ottawa) and was walking toward the courthouse.. and there she was! I said something to her, and she didn’t even LIVE in Ottawa.. she was just there for some conference at OMA! How crazy is that! (she did remember me from the book signing though).
They really were concentrating on their handwriting. Must be the
Marlboro Man signed our book..
This is where #3 asks the Marlboro Man if he wants
to buy some Girl Scout Cookies.. He said yes!
Doesn’t that look like a guy who is happy about his purchase?
After our fun with MM we sat down in our seat.. and people watched
and waited..
Check out these boots.. they are wicked awesome.
Yes, that’s PW wearing them.
How about these snake skin peep toes? I don’t think they
were very comfortable.. she was dancing back and forth on them
like they were killin’ her.
I think the boys were a little bored.. they started a wrestling match on the stage. I think PW might have been a bit horrified. It made me feel right at home…because of THIS and THIS oh and THIS
When it was our turn.. I completely forgot everything
I was going to say to her.. I felt like Ralphie in A Christmas Story
when he’s trying to get the words out to tell Santa what
he wanted for Christmas.. Oh well.. at least I have February of 2011
when Black Heels to Tractor Wheels comes out in BOOK FORM!